Why Leo's Donair...

Restaurant, Club, Catering Services or Just Fun Times with Friends and Family

Leo has taken great pride in providing Quality Donair Meat along with many other Donair products, gluten free included! It's hard not to feel proud when the Province of Nova Scotia declared the Donair as its official food in 2015. 

Book Of Donair

Book of Donair sold at Leo's Donair for only $15.00, Stop in and pick up your copy today!

Leo's Donair® Newsletter

Stay informed about up coming products, Special events and News

Leo's Donair does not just offer donair food products, but we are very much a community driven company and we love our community friends and family! Join our newsletter and learn about great community events we promote or are a part of. And keep informed about new up coming products and where to get them! Become part of the Leo's Donair family.

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Latest News From Leo's...


Donair Smoked Pepperettes!

🚀 Exciting News from Leo’s Donair! Smoked Pepperettes! 🚀 We’re thrilled to introduce our latest product: Donair Smoked Pepperettes!
By : LeoToulany | Jun 24, 2024

Leo’s Donair, It’s Awesome, Best Donair Meat Ever.

Just listen to what one viewer says on Q104 about Leo’s Donair.   Questions: What if you don’t want to go to a donair shop and want to make your own,
By : LeoToulany | Mar 4, 2020

Donairs the official food of Halifax, NS

Halifax declares donairs the official food of the city Mayor Mike Savage casts deciding vote delivering late-night snack into status as the official dish Forget the turkey or ham, patriotic Haligonians
By : LeoToulany | Feb 28, 2020

Leo's Donair, Supplier of Premium Donair Products

Treat your family to a meal that every one will love!

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We Carry Local Products

Exceptional Quality Beef

New Zealand beef

Nova Scotia Proud



HACCP is a global food safety requirement for assessing, mitigating, and controlling food safety hazards across the spectrum of food production.